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Showing posts from February, 2014

My Teacher's Off-hand Remarks

  When I was a high school freshman my locker was next to a teacher's office named Mr. Hanson. During passing periods when the students were exchanging books in their lockers, Hanson would always talk with Mr. Fleege (another social science teacher) outside his office in earshot of the students.  They would intentionally talk in earshot of the students, as these people were not stupid, and they knew what they were doing. It had something to do with transparency and casually imparting information to people. I am always rivoted to conversations like that if people are talking in a way which means they want to be heard by everyone, but it's directed at one person next to them.    One day Mr. Hanson was trying to get to the heart of the matter as to what his work as a high school teacher was doing for people. "It is not so much that we are imparting knowledge for people to remember forever. Indeed, we do impart knowledge and students use the things they learn sometimes....

Why I Haven't Posted

   I haven't posted lately because there's too much to say. Things have to be said which are heavy, and I have reflected on what to write next in the middle of the occurrence of so many possible ideas. I will post again after I organize and prioritize what has to be said.

Punishing People Doesn't Atone for Their Sin

  Little do some people know, punishing others for their sin will not atone for their sin, abrogate their sin, take care of their sin, or cleanse them of their sin. I am mainly speaking here about the misguided notion of humans punishing other humans for their sins.  Only Jesus Christ can take away sin because he was considered as a lamb without spot or blemish, the perfect sacrifice (according to 1 Peter 1:19, John 1:29, Hebrews 10:12).  Furthermore, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was once for all and doesn't require any further sacrificial atonement in any capacity whatsoever, and this concept is repeated often in the book of Hebrews (for example, Hebrews 9:12, 10:10, 10:14).   There are forms of "punishing" people in church discipline and other aspects of life, but actual consequences never atone for people's sin, they only urge people to repent. Procedures should always resemble Biblical steps such as Matthew 18:15-17.   People, in their wicked human nature...

Personality Types and the Fall of Man Argument

   There will be some who will want to say that I was being illogical or unbiblical when I wrote the post about how personality differences get misunderstood.  Their argument is basically that differing personalities are a consequence of the Fall of Man- a consequence of the DNA getting disordered.  Therefore, they will say, that people who don't fit the "perfect personality" are sinful. God created one man, they will say, with a perfect personality (Adam).  In truth, they can cite Adam, Eve, and Jesus.  That argument is not correct, and I will stand my ground on this.    The reason why they are not correct is because they are making the unwarranted assumption all of Adam's descendants would have had the same personality had the Fall never happened. I can say with a fair degree of certainty that had the Fall never happened, there would have been different kinds of people with different personalities, it just would have been a more perfect world. ...

Body, Soul and....

   When I wrote the previous post containing the informed consent arguments, I was conscious already of the fact that some hold to a trichotomy view of humans (body, soul, and spirit).  A dichotomy view (body and soul) is defensible from the scriptures, definitely, and both are theological positions people should study and be made aware of.  Here is a paper by an individual who holds to the position of the dichotomy view, and the position is defended by scripture.'s%20Constitution%20as%20a%20Physical-Spiritual%20Unity%201.1.pdf    Here are the credentials for the writer of this paper as stated in the footnotes:       Robert Gonzales Jr. is the academic dean of Reformed Baptist Seminary ( in Easley, South Carolina, where he also serves as a pastor of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church. He also serves as an adjunct professor for Midwest Center for Theological Studies. He has ...

Summary of Arguments for Informed Consent Rights (Defense Against Mandatory Psychiatric Treatment)

   I am going to be generous for the time being in releasing this information. The original form was written down by me as a simple outline. People should think on their own and not just take my word for it. Act sensibly and do your own due diligence in regards to your own plans and decisions. People can use these arguments to argue for their own rights or the rights of others. These are basically arguments for informed consent rights for patients in psychiatry, as a defense against mandatory treatment.   The main argument I've written here is crafted from presuppositional apologetic methodology. People have to study the presuppositional method to understand how to employ this.  It is an argument from the Christian worldview. The argument is as follows.    Historically, behavioral medicine developed from behavioral psychology which was developed upon an atheist worldview containing the precept that people have no souls. In such a worldview of naturalism, ...

Personality Type Differences Get Misunderstood

   There are things about personality types and differences which I think the population as a whole does not understand. It would not be stretch, either, to say that mental health professionals often don't account for personality types which are not among the more "common" types. There are personality types which are more common statistically than other types, and that creates real world "norms."  However, this is not fair to people with rare personality types who have valuable talents, skills, pursuits, influence, because for some reason society values "normalcy" in terms of behavior, conversation, etc.    It is not fair to people who have more quiet or reticent personalities to be judged harshly for being to quiet and reticent. It doesn't mean that they are afraid of people, or uninterested in others. The case of the matter is simply that they have a...