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Personality Type Differences Get Misunderstood

   There are things about personality types and differences which I think the population as a whole does not understand. It would not be stretch, either, to say that mental health professionals often don't account for personality types which are not among the more "common" types. There are personality types which are more common statistically than other types, and that creates real world "norms."  However, this is not fair to people with rare personality types who have valuable talents, skills, pursuits, influence, because for some reason society values "normalcy" in terms of behavior, conversation, etc.
   It is not fair to people who have more quiet or reticent personalities to be judged harshly for being to quiet and reticent. It doesn't mean that they are afraid of people, or uninterested in others. The case of the matter is simply that they have a personality which is more introverted and they probably have a rich inner life. It should never be the aim of mental health professionals to mold people into "normal' personalities so that everyone is talkative, or everyone seems "normal" in terms of personality. Also, quiet people can choose career paths that are suitable to their personality, but people still persist in judging them harshly, and this should not happen.
   It is not the case that glibness is the same thing as intelligence. There are people who possess high intelligence who are uncomfortable talking at great length with convincing methods. Others who speak long with great fluency and length may not be the sharpest tools in the shed (to use an American idiom). News anchors who read from teleprompters sometimes don't have to know or memorize what they are saying to people. Some people, however, have the perfect combination of glibness, fluency in speech, and high intelligence. What I mean by all this is that people should not judge by appearances.
   Furthermore, God created, through indirect causes, people with all different kinds of talents and skills. It is reprehensible that people with more artistic proclivities get looked down upon has having less valuable skills, or less valuable thinking processes, or that they are somehow less valuable in the eyes of God.  Many artists think extremely logically and are capable of thinking at high level. God created people of different types, possibly so that the whole gamut of human pursuits would testify to His glory.  No one should be considered mentally ill or handicapped if their thinking is naturally creative (or "divergent").  Many divergent thinkers can flick the switch on themselves and think convegently whenever they want to.  Many erroneously think that unless you constantly focus your thinking on one pattern of logical thinking on one topic, that you are not healthy or that you are crazy. That is sad, wrong, and ignorant. Many people are different in their ways of thinking, but it doesn't mean that they are wrong, unhealthy, or crazy. It just may be that God intended them for creative, artistic, or unusual endeavors to glorify Him.
  A little research on the internet will show that daydreaming has benefits which science has validated.
   No matter how anyone thinks, the laws of logic are always valid, and logic should be taught to more people. Also, despite personality types there are qualities expressed in the teachings of Jesus Christ which are more desirable than others, in terms of our relationship to our Lord and our relationships to others. These qualities include, but are not limited to: humility, meekness, gentleness, compassion, mournfulness, kindness, etc.
    "Open your mouth for the mute, For the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, And defend the rights of the afflicted and needy." Proverbs 31:8-9
   "How long will you judge unjustly And show partiality to the wicked? Selah. Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and destitute." Psalm 82:2-3


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