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Showing posts from September, 2016

Nice Dissenting Opinion on the Fairness of the Criminal Justice System

   I was recently having a conversation with someone about the possibility for unreliability and/or unfairness in the criminal justice system. I was reminded of this quote from a Supreme Court case which is from Justice Harry Blackmun's dissenting opinion. The case was Darden v. Wainwright 477 U.S. 168 (1986). Obviously he's talking about the Supreme Court level, but if this could be said about their accuracy, then how shall we communicate about fairness at the trial court level? "JUSTICE BLACKMUN, with whom JUSTICE BRENNAN, JUSTICE MARSHALL, and JUSTICE STEVENS join, dissenting. Although the Constitution guarantees a criminal defendant only "a fair trial [and] not a perfect one,"  Lutwak v. United States,   344 U. S. 604 ,  344 U. S. 619  (1953);  Bruton v. United States,   391 U. S. 123 ,  391 U. S. 135  (1968), this Court has stressed repeatedly in the decade since  Gregg v. Georgia,   428 U. S. 153  (1976), that ...

I have my 詩 , I have my intelligence

哥林多前书 15:56-58 Chinese New Version (Traditional) (CNVT) 56  死的毒刺就是罪,罪的權勢就是律法。   57  感謝 神,他藉著我們的主耶穌基督,把勝利賜給我們。   58  所以,我親愛的弟兄們,你們務要堅固,不可動搖,常常竭力多作主工,因為知道你們的勞苦,在主裡面不是徒然的。

"I had my headset on..."

   The moment people are waiting for is here. My book three years "in the making" will be ready for purchase online this week. The Poetry was a fictional novel which, after the first draft, became an editing and revision nightmare. The novella I'm letting out this week pays a great deal of respect to the original version. I'm sure that people will still appreciate the highly integrated stylistic/grammatical construct involved. Check on for it. The paperback will be inexpensive, but I'm not allowing a Kindle version because such a botch-job was done with Playing Saint Ditch . You can check out right here how the cover will look, and I've placed the back cover synopsis right below that.    [amazon has it now!  ]

I'm not a dope fiend or user

   I'm not a dope fiend. I don't use or abuse street drugs or narcotics. Actually my commitment to staying sober is reverse from societal norms and what most people do, so that's part of why I'm different. My length of time staying sober is longer than other persons by many months in some cases.    [edited for content as we are under a bad regime and therefore do not have freedom of speech]

I'm not a communist or any kind of extremist

   I'm not a communist or any kind of extremist. I would red-bait others though, to identify communist/socialist pigs and thugs by their typical "mental hygiene rhetoric," and their advocating for vaccination. I'm not any kind of Nazi or neo-Nazi, and I oppose fascism, totalitarianism and/or authoritarian dictatorships. So that covers the fact that I'm not too far left-wing or too far right-wing.    I'm not any kind of a Muslim or any kind of religious extremist wackjob like those who bomb federal buildings and so forth. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, who gave the Sermon on the Mount, so I am actually not allowed to be that type of extremist.

I'm not a pedophile or any kind of a weirdo

   I don't have the classic traits of a pedophile as widely known. So, I'm not a pedophile in any capacity [so I don't have that tendency], nor am I any kind of weirdo. I'm not a pederast or a gay either. I was never labelled with the psychiatric label of "pedophile" by any medical practitioner. If I was labelled something by them, it was not "pedophile." I'm not a child molester, either. I don't watch or have child pornography. If I have criminal convictions, it is not for child molestation or pornography. So I'm not a pedophile or any kind of child molester. I don't jerk off to gay porn or child porn. I'm not a registered sex offender, which is to say I was never convicted and asked to register as a sex offender.    They (these pedophiles) have a psychiatric disorder as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders    I don't have that mental disorder, so.

Information Lockdown Scenarios and Ethical Concerns

   How far would you go, and how many extraneous scenarios of ethical concern would you tolerate, before you released helpful information to others that you are supposed keep on a tight lockdown due to 1) mandates of your employer/supervisor 2) personal vendettas 3) legal orders 4)  devotion to the "almighty dollar"- (not funny) ?    As it is, I personally know of people who will not communicate probably ever, when they have information that would release others from a felony conviction on their records. People with felonies often still have to put up with taking part in programs, probation, paying fees and restitution, ongoing court dates- in summary they are in slavery to a system that is not really nice. So the people knowing the helpful information do not communicate with those probably wrongfully convicted, or their attorneys or investigators. I am not kidding. I know of people who are currently acting this way.    If the possibility that the le...

Is Anybody Thinking Whatsoever?

See my comments below......    Let me explain further. According to Catholic dogma/teaching, they must oppose abortion "in all forms."  See the Catholic Catechism, which clearly states in 2272  "Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life"  Therefore, Catholics CANNOT vote for Hillary Clinton. If they don't like Donald Trump they have to find an independent party they agree with and vote for that person. They would be sinning according to their own religious worldview if they actually voted for Hillary Clinton.  link to Catholic Catechism  (on abortion)    Catholics should also consider the Catholic sin of "scandal." It is a sin for them to vote for Hillary Clinton. To quote the Catholic Catechism, "Therefore, they are guilty of scandal who establish laws or social structures leading to the decline of morals and the c...