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Showing posts from October, 2016

Visiting the prisoners

   Some people have wondered if they should have been visiting people that they knew were prisoners. One place in the Scriptures that gives us the affirmative on the question is Matthew 25:31-46 when Jesus describes the Final Judgment. The whole passage is recommended reading, but I will point out to everyone here the snippets that are relevant. Jesus said about the righteous (in Matthew 25:38-40), that they will say, " When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You? ’ The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you,  to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine,  even  the least  of them , you did it to Me." Then He described about the unrighteous (in Matthew 25:44-46), that they will say,   "Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’   Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it ...

I stand behind what I said about abortion

   I am already aware that discussions about women's rights to abortion go into areas of debate such as "when a fetus can viably be considered as a person." I am under no obligation to heed or incorporate into my thinking the basic tenets on the subject as decided by the courts of law. My presuppositions are not from the secular courts. I would rather be in accordance with the truth of the matter. I have the Scriptures, so I can know that life begins at conception. That's why I paint abortion as the legalized murder of unborn children. If you were an attorney such as Hillary Clinton was, then you would have wanted to argue with me or paint those assertions as stupid because I said nothing about the legal background or what goes/went into those types of decisions. I don't really have to. My remarks were pithy and concise because I don't have much time to put into my writing or blogs.  

One instance of my being "student of the month" from the community newspaper in Onalaska

  One out of the two or three instances as published in the local paper is right here. It has my old last name Bilskemper obviously. I was a high school junior, so this was 1994.

Going Against One's Word or Breaking Vows

    Inherent in the problem having to do with breaking a vow that one has previously made (from a Biblical point of view) is the classic distinction between "law" and "grace" which is talked about a great in the writings of Paul. It is not advisable to make a vow (Matthew 5:34-35), or to break a vow (Matthew 5:33), obviously because of the strict justice of God and His righteous standard. However, to think that a vow made foolishly, rashly, in error, while intoxicated, poisoned, mentally compromised, etc, must always be observed forever, is not only a wrong way or practice for being too legalistic, it would practically be heresy because one would be ignoring what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross does away with the ceremonial ordinances of the Old Testament by fulfilling them, bringing them to completion in the bringing of a new covenant in Him. Well guess what? In the Old Testament ceremonial ordinances the Jews had a way t...

Apologies to the Trump Campaign

   I received your messages (Donald Trump and son), I just haven't checked that email account often enough. I am well aware that someone with you follows my posts here, ever since my original idea to have a wealthy man run for President has come to fruition somehow. The only thing I would have to communicate is that this was never supposed to be a purely political blog. I started the blog to write about whatever I wanted to, or whatever I was interested in. The "general topic" theme gives me the freedom to write freely across subject areas. If my ideas have helped you somehow, I did not realize that. Let me see what I can do to help you further, though. I think you should continue giving America a message of hope based on ideas and values our country was founded on, and you won't be able to really go wrong. Too often Democrats win elections not by their own merit, but by a smear campaign against their opponent. That's what they've tried to do, it looks like. ...

I'm Not a Freemason Either, By the Way

   I'm not a Freemason either, by the way. I don't belong to any similar fraternal community organizations like moose or elk lodges, or the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The reason I seem that way, though, is that the Masons accumulate a lot of knowledge unto themselves, and I just happen to be a knowledgeable person. That doesn't mean I'm a Freemason, though. I was never a Freemason, and I never attended a Freemason lodge.