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Apologies to the Trump Campaign

   I received your messages (Donald Trump and son), I just haven't checked that email account often enough. I am well aware that someone with you follows my posts here, ever since my original idea to have a wealthy man run for President has come to fruition somehow. The only thing I would have to communicate is that this was never supposed to be a purely political blog. I started the blog to write about whatever I wanted to, or whatever I was interested in. The "general topic" theme gives me the freedom to write freely across subject areas. If my ideas have helped you somehow, I did not realize that. Let me see what I can do to help you further, though. I think you should continue giving America a message of hope based on ideas and values our country was founded on, and you won't be able to really go wrong. Too often Democrats win elections not by their own merit, but by a smear campaign against their opponent. That's what they've tried to do, it looks like. I think you should feel free to bring out the relevant dirt on your opponent Ms. Clinton, and just freely do so. On top of that, your stances on issues are more righteous than the stances of the Democrats. People of faith need to be made aware of that. Technically, no Catholic in their right mind (as I have pointed out before in this blog) can be voting for Hillary Clinton because she is pro choice and they would be committing the Catholic sin of scandal.
  You can expect me to probably say a few more things about politics before election day comes. Thanks for following.


  1. On top of that I would just add the same thing I said on Facebook which is that "allegations" just mean that people are saying stuff not proven in court. People can say whatever they want to. It doesn't make it true just because they're saying it.

  2. I myself have personal anecdotes about the Clintons because I know people who know people. If I thought it necessary, then I would actually just sit here and put it down in a separate post. What I know about her is not really in Hillary's best interests. Just to make some clear distinctions, I think Chelsea Clinton is okay. I've known people who knew her, also.


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