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Showing posts from March, 2017

On Writing a Blog Post!

   The somewhat invisible component of what I am doing in my blogs is the fact that it essentially is performance of professional writing tasks. Since I mentioned the idea in one of my blogs of people needing speaking out more concerning one issue, many people probably tried to sit down and write something, only to experience unpleasant flashbacks of high school English class where they had to ask the teacher "how long should it be?" and "are we graded down for misspelling?" They may have come to realize since then just how complicated the process of composition is. This is a fact of life that I long ago came to realize.     Let me do what I can here to help. I will not cover how to write in any and every stylistic genre and length, because a how-to on that subject matter would be the length of a whole book. Let's focus on how to write a basic blog post. The basic steps to writing an excellent blog post are easy to learn and do, and a good process is as follo...

"We shall parse the lightning from the semi-truck"

    "We shall parse the lightning from the semi-truck" I wrote to a beloved friend back in 2014. Shall we proceed? Let us not get daunted. First I will discuss what is meant and the various implications, and then I will parse the language in the traditional sense and forthwith plum the implications of what can be meaningfully gleaned from that.      Let us picture the scene together right now. Up in the cloudy sky in the middle of a storm, charges are forming in the air, slowly building. The charges reach their threshold and all of a sudden, a bolt of lightning forms in the air and rips all the way down to the ground level where a semi-truck is passing along a freeway. The electricity hits the metal top of the truck, but the truck is well-designed to protect the rider, who at that point only hears the bolt of lightning and feels a bump. The electrical charge dissipates and the truck continues to pass along the freeway without any problem. The rider may later di...

New Edits in "A Dragon Comes As Well: a memoir"

     I have gone so far as to perform some edits in the already-published combined edition of A Dragon Comes As Well: a memoir. As pertaining to the section about the so-called "book of destiny" (and in regards to the problems I've already written about in my blog here, pertaining to that), I will present the edited version of that section in the book right here:    In the books of scholarly commentary on the book of Isaiah, as pertaining to chapter 34 to be exact, there is an opinion among some that a so-called “Book of Destiny” from Hebrew literature and beliefs ( a belief with its basis in the Scriptures as found in Psalm 40:8; 139:16, Malachi 3:16, Daniel 7:10, and Revelation 20:12), is the Scroll or Book of the Lord referred to in Isaiah 34:16. In the commentary by John N. Oswalt, [1] the writer posits the “Book of Destiny” as one of four possibilities as to what the book of the Lord in Isaiah 34:16 is. I am not so ostentatious as to claim that the Sema...