The somewhat invisible component of what I am doing in my blogs is the fact that it essentially is performance of professional writing tasks. Since I mentioned the idea in one of my blogs of people needing speaking out more concerning one issue, many people probably tried to sit down and write something, only to experience unpleasant flashbacks of high school English class where they had to ask the teacher "how long should it be?" and "are we graded down for misspelling?" They may have come to realize since then just how complicated the process of composition is. This is a fact of life that I long ago came to realize. Let me do what I can here to help. I will not cover how to write in any and every stylistic genre and length, because a how-to on that subject matter would be the length of a whole book. Let's focus on how to write a basic blog post. The basic steps to writing an excellent blog post are easy to learn and do, and a good process is as follo...