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Showing posts from January, 2014

The Dream I Had About Phil Collins

  First I will give the backdrop and backstory before I say the dream itself.    When I was teaching class piano, a student asked me to show him the song "Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)" by Phil Collins, thereby calling my attention to the song. After school that day, I went to my then-girlfriend Ruth's house, and showed her the song on piano with the lyrics on my iPad. We toyed around with the song and took turns playing the piano part and singing the vocals. The song expresses something extremely emotionally heavy, which was not applicable to our relationship, so I wondered why it was effective for expressing something I felt deep down. I simply could not put words to what I felt inside me with any specificity. The song could express it, but I couldn't explain the context, the people involved, or why I felt that way. I would have to tell people that a medication problem was involved which prevented me from being in touch with my feelings about things.  ...

Parable of the Unrighteous Duke (by me)

   This generation might be likened unto a duke who told a land-owner that he was not allowed to dig a well on his own property. When the landowner asked the Duke why, the Duke threatened to seize his property if he ever dug a well on the land. The landowner went to the Governor and requested that he overturn the Duke's ruling. The governor said, "You may not dig a well there. However, there is treasure buried there." Neither did the Governor prohibit him from digging up the treasure. The Duke wondered why the Governor told him about the treasure because the Duke's love was cold.

Noetic Effects of Sin (It's not how smart you are!)

   "The Noetic Effects of Sin" means simply, the negative effect on people's intellects due to the the Fall of Man in general (sin!). Everyone is born into a sinful state or condition, so everyone born into the human species in a physical capacity is subject to the noetic effects of sin. Generally, the noetic effects are thought to apply to knowledge of God specifically, which can touch subtly (or overtly) on other subject areas.    It is horrible misconception that people who are lower in intelligence, mentally handicapped, mentally incapacitated, or psychotic are necessarily that way because of sins they specifically committed. The noetic effects apply to every single person, just as no one is exempt from the "sinful condition." It is possible for fetuses and the mentally incapacitated to be saved because of God's grace! (see the doctrine of unconditional election, the five points of Calvinism). It is not because of how smart people are that they are sav...

The Medicine Fight is About Lieben

    At this point no one should wonder why I had to blow the whistle on the psychiatric industry as largely a junk science establishment motivated by profits from harmful pharmaceuticals. What escapes attention often, is the underlying reasons why people weaponize medicine against others. I think the reasons often have to do with lieben. I use lieben as opposed to its English equivalent here because the connotations are so precise and its affect has finesse. It is always disheartening to me to hear about people who were told to go on pills after they felt lieben towards me, for me, or about me. This should not be going on. The idea of people medicating lieben to make it go away is ludicrous, but sadly the practice actually goes on. Society has replaced sensible remedies such as face-to-face negotiations with sad, brutal, and harmful practices such pills with laundry lists of dangerous side effects. Pills often produce the very symptoms that the disease is supposed to be compri...

News Flash- Marriage across race lines is not itself immoral

   I have encountered people in my life who hold to the dogmatic notion that marriage across racial lines is immoral according to "The Bible." I've studied the topic from Genesis to Revelation and I would have to admit that there is no such command which prohibits people from marrying those of other races just based on the category of race or nationality alone. It is therefore morally acceptable for believers in Christ to marry people of other races and nationalities if the spouse is a believer in Christ as well (2 Corinthians 6:14). There is concern throughout the Scriptures, however, when it comes to believers in the true and living God marrying foreigners who worship other gods because of the fact that the foreigners might/will turn their spouses to false gods and idols. One does not even need to understand various paradigms of covenant theology to understand this. One need only look at the various obvious examples which are prominently featured in the arguments concer...

What This is For Is...

I've been wanting to create a blog like this where I can post all my thinking on more or less a day to day basis and not be confined to one topic in particular. I am tempted to think that many that I have known in the past erroneously think they are incredibly "astute" on me, yet no one can account for what happens when one is a new creature in Christ. The matter can become incredibly difficult for the "pharisees" of life to sit down and define in clear terms. I'll do everyone a favor and write on a regular basis.     One of my favorite passages in the Bible relating to that type of problem (when people in the world have trouble "interpreting" a work of God) is John 9:13-34. The Pharisees thoroughly interrogate the man born blind who was healed by Jesus, and they interrogate his parents as well. God did a work and a healing with  on/through me that is hard for people who do not believe in Christ to relate to. One would have to believe that Jesus C...