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This is why to stop the Islamic State Caliphate Harshly

   I saw this news article this morning about the beheading of a citizen in Okalahoma

   The United States should stop the IS caliphate in the Middle East very harshly with a strong show of nuclear force to precisely make an example out of them. I tried to tell people this stuff would happen here and they mocked and scoffed. If people put up with threatening harsh Islamists for the sake of tolerance, this is what you will get. We have religious freedom, yes, but take a stand against evil please and have a sense of decency.  If we do not take a stronger stand against them in the Middle East, it will spread on U.S. soil and everyone will be very sorry. Stomp them out over there. Rammstein them. Pummel them with weaponry. End the discussion fast. Floor it on them.  Level the entire area down to where you can till the whole region like a field, just like Jerusalem was once leveled down and they tilled the area like a field. Shock the living daylights out of the whole world with appropriate use of American power and authority.
   Islam is a fascist, totalitarian, theocratic ideology that promotes violence and murder to promote their agenda. People who hold to that in the U.S. are the same people group as ISIS or IS. It is like the spread of a communist threat. The people like the perpetrator in this news story are part of the same people group as IS or ISIS because they hold to and practice the same ideology.


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