As I mentioned in previous posts, the third edition of "The Semantolkino'hara and Its Applications: The Eschaton, Musicology, and the Name of G-d" is in the works, to be published sometime within the next month. People should be supportive of the effort at long last. Look how good the cover is going to look, after all. Trust me, it will look even better in print. People thought the second edition looked very high res. when they saw the print version.
I'm having to rewrite and add significantly to the specific section that deals with eschatology in order to clarify that my original source of information was the Scriptures, and also in order to clarify the components of the "non-final consummations" of the ages vs. the "final consummation" of the ages, and other similar crucial distinctions. The 2nd edition wasn't exactly wrong, it is just that it could be extensively fleshed out for clarity. Let's just say I had left the material in such a capacity as needing to be spiritually discerned and spiritually understood. The further developments in terms of the applications of the template that I've discussed in previous posts in this blog are included in this edition. Well, most of them.
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