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Regarding the Controversy Over Guantanamo Bay

   The U.S. has faced criticism from abroad over detaining inmates at Guantanamo (foreign nationals usually) for lengthy periods of time without a trial or fair hearing. I already fully understand the original reasoning for these practices. The U.S. has been fighting a war on terrorism, so the prisoners could fall under the definition of "prisoners of war." Also, the prisoners don't really have the protection of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution, because they are typically not U.S. citizens. I disagree with the practice, though, and I will explain why.
   The ethical distinction that should be employed comes from the fact that, by all appearances, the U.S. now seems to be using Guantanamo as a "detention center." The prisoners have human rights, therefore they do have the right to a speedy and public hearing/trial before an "impartial tribunal," as stated, for example, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Even in a time of war, it is questionable how far our country could go in depriving war prisoners of rights. The problem with the war on terror is that it has continued seemingly indefinitely, allowing for seemingly indefinite stays for some inmates without any kind of fair hearing.
   The U.S. should be allowing prisoners in Guantanamo fair and speedy hearing and trial proceedings- due process, essentially. It is bad enough that in U.S. jails and prisons where the inmates are supposed to be afforded Constitutional rights, inmates often wait very long for their case proceedings to make any progress while they stay behind bars. It is not that hard to say that the rights could be granted to Guantanamo inmates.
   President Obama promised to close Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp during his first campaign, but it remains open, some prisoners having been transferred.


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