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Societal Factors that Encourage Homosexual Behavior in Otherwise Straight Men

   Many might wonder why some people, especially men, who are not actually gay sometimes end up seeming gay. I have compiled a short list, because the elements are seem fairly obvious to me without much further research. This is not the result of a sociological study. It is my opinion. People have to be aware that the folkways and norms of society are in no way in their best interests. Also, the many factors involved in this list easily play into one another in terms of the capacity to pile on top of specific people.

1. The Jail and Prison Systems
   Our incarceration systems group men together in close quarters. To add to many concerns, there's a known link between poverty and falling into incarceration.  As I've opined elsewhere, the prison system is unnecessary and harmful. The system could be reformed to do away with it in such a capacity that people are only jailed a short time. I've given my full opinion in the one print issue of The Reformer Magazine (here- 

2. Medications
   Many medications, not only just psychiatric medications, can cause a change in bodily hormones influencing sexuality. Since many influence libido (sex drive), it could cause behavior appearing so abstinent and disinterested toward the opposite gender, that the behavior could be mistaken for gay. Once such list is here:  I speak in societal terms, as disinterest in the opposite sex could be mistaken for homosexual orientation.

3. The Stalking Laws
   Many states have a stalking law, such as California Penal Code Section 646.9. Since men may get in trouble for pursuing a women too persistently, the law as it stands encourages people to not communicate with those not communicating with them. On the other hand, it is the natural order in God's creation for men to pursue women in the early stages of relationships (Genesis 2:18), and then for women to reciprocate later when interested. While on one hand a healthy amount of pursuit of the opposite sex is considered normal, these normal aims are curtailed by the stalking law and with those who have become aware of the staunch limits of it.
   The California stalking law has gender bias inherent, because of the "reasonable fear" element as a requirement for guilt. In light of typical size and strength of each gender, as well as the typical psychological make-up, the law would seem to discriminate against the larger more brutish gender. Many men walk around with a body, size, shape, and muscularity which would itself inspire fear. When you think about it, what with the typical size, shape, and strength disparity between the average man and woman, the law seems to encourage men to instead pursue same-sex partners, as they would want to avoid causing reasonable fear in the one they're pursuing romantically.
    Consequently, men who fear breaking the short leash of the law on matters with their women, once they've reached the limit of the law in texting, have to resort with talking to the male buddies until they can find a new lady friend.

4. Political Liberalism/Political Correctness
   To found in the liberal agenda still is the push for homosexual rights and rights for those transgender. These agendas constitute a way of giving the lifestyles in question moral approval for those who are actively politically liberal. All this is not to mention that fact that it is not appropriate (politically correct) any longer to declare oneself "straight" or "heterosexual" in normal conversation. One could be accused of "gay bashing" or "homophobic"for doing that. That is hardly fair rules of play, and it's ruining the possibility for true and honest dialogue.

5. Pedophile "Scare"
    Everyone's afraid of there possibly being pedophiles, when true pedophiles are those adults who primarily sexually desire those who are patently kids (under the age of 14). In truth, adult men and/or women who desire younger adult mates of the opposite gender (let's define those desired in that case as being 18-24 yrs. of age) would be actually having a fairly normal sexual desire (albeit with a very specific and picky age preference) as that being normal heterosexual desire. I would even go so far to say that the pedophile scare is a sociologically phenomenal defense mechanism in public consciousness from hyper-liberal political correctness intended to backwards-reform people into being homosexuals, or punish those not naturally "born" with the homosexual desires/stigma.  

6. Fashion Trends
    Sometimes fashion trends tend towards androgyny or femininity in male attire (granted sometimes the characteristics are sometimes arbitrary cultural constructs. Irish kilts for men, for example, look like skirts in the eyes of Americans). These changes in fashion constitute a tweaking of generic gender standards for appearance that can lead to results where people can be wrongfully judged or end up in patterns of behavior that defy their previous norms, esp. in terms of cross and same sex relationships. I'm speaking in terms of societal norms and trends, not in terms of Biblical requirements and understanding. Changes from norm can cause problems, and the issues touch on conscience, also.

7. Societal Pressure to Fornicate
    Societal pressure that encourages men to fornicate is the cause of an unfair problem where people who are only merely following God's moral laws (to not fornicate) are wrongfully slandered or labelled by others as gay or pedophiles.This is an area of practical living where the sometimes predominant liberal ideology becomes intolerant and judgmental. It is in God's law to remain sexually abstinent outside of marriage. Yet, sometimes those who are doing so are being judged wrongfully by liberals. The judgmentalism, I've observed, has gone to a level of murderous intent. Following the Scriptures implies the Christian worldview, which tends to beget hatred in the opposition.


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