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Showing posts from 2014

Could Someone Have Empathy for Amanda Bynes Now, at long last?

   It is no wonder that Amanda has been tweeting or blogging about her attempts to follow court orders on her "treatment."  They've put her on a tight lockdown how many times now? She's trying to show that she's following her treatment so they don't lock her up, and so they give her her rights back from being under a conservatorship. It looks like she has not had direct access to her profits from acting. If that is the case, that is not right.That would make anyone very upset. Give her her rights back if she wants them back, and stop making her jump through hoops. Respect her wishes and her dignity. If she does not want to be on medication or on a treatment plan, then respect her rights. It looks like she feels forced to communicate about following her treatment in order to get her rights back and to get everyone to stop bugging and hassling her. She had rights afforded her under the Constitution of the U.S. and the Bill of Rights.  Were those ever respected h...

Semantolkino'hara Book, 2nd Edition Release.

  The second edition of   The Semantolkino'hara and Its Applications: The Eschaton, Musicology, and The Name of God   (by me)    is available.  Mainly, I updated the acknowledgements. The Semantolkino'hara and Its Applications: The Eschaton, Musicology, and The Name of God, 2nd Ed. By David Black 122 pages, published 10/21/2014 A practical music theory and composition system became a template for understanding a union between disciplines- music history, musicology, eschatology, social science, and more. The whole effort started with a simple serial analysis of Trish Phan's "A Letter" and became a huge undertaking once the implications of its importance and wide-ranging applications were realized. The higher-level theological distinctions and clarifications involved are…

The Rules of Play for People on the Internet, by Mr. Black

   I am rewriting the rules of play for interacting with people on the internet because I've noticed people act irrationally.    1. Two to three days is the sensible turn-around for an email response or comment on something. Beyond that you can assume that a response is probably not coming. Never assume you know the reason why people don't reply.  Life can be very complicated. I will add that it is hard to get replies from well-known people because they get inundated. 2. Be courteous. Well-thought-out communications call for a response/ communication of some kind. No one has to communicate with anyone, but be nice, kind, patient, gentle, understanding, etc. As it is written, "A man has joy in an apt answer, And how delightful is a timely word!"(Proverbs 15:23). 3. When communicating hard truths forthrightly, be gentle and understanding. Not all communications are going to be positive. It is sometimes necessary to communicate something with negative components...

The Government is Us

   It starts to look like people have forgotten that the United States was set up as a government "by and for the people" (to quote the Gettysburg Address). In our country the people are the government and we elect people to "represent" us. That's why they are called "representatives."   Look at the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution and you will see that I am correct.  "   We the People  of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. "   This means that if people don't like the laws or the system, then they have the power to change it. Being afraid of the government is ridiculous, because the U.S. was set up as a representative democracy, a democratic republic. The people a...

They Got to Amanda Bynes Harder Now. Stop this nonsense

   Amanda Bynes was placed in an involuntary psychiatric hold, also called a "5150," a legal device used to trample and traipse on people's rights. This was done to her apparently just for tweeting about her father, and trying to explain it away from mind control. Any time someone mentions mind control to authorities, they tend to do a "5150" on that person. Clearly people did not want her saying what she said and that is the cause of this.They have completely floored her by disregarding her first amendment rights, and it is in a vile attempt to control her behavior. She definitely has the right to express concern that there may be a mind-control implant in her head.  Are we at a stone age level of technology? I don't think so. We are in an age of high technology. Her freedom to express that concern is part of her first amendment rights. Look at what happened. She was treated worse for just saying anything.    All of this is completely unacceptable. Please ...

Description/Synopsis for the Semantolkino'hara book

This is the description I put on magcloud. The link to the book is in the post below. "A practical music theory and composition system became a template for understanding a union between disciplines- music  history , musicology, eschatology, social science, and more. The whole effort started with a simple serial analysis of Trish Phan's "A Letter" and became a huge undertaking once the implications of its importance and wide-ranging  applications  were realized. The higher-level theological distinctions and clarifications involved are intended cultivate acumen and discernment. It is written in the style of a Chautaqua to cover wide-ranging topics and concerns. The word in the title can be broken down as follows: Seman - semantics (rhetoric, language, communication) tolkin - (J.R. Tolkien, fantasy, imagination, art, artistic representations of theological things) o'hara (like the Chicago Airport, the system has consistent production value, a production drive to ...

Link to my new book- "The Semantolkino'hara and Its Applications"

  The book has a been long time in the works, and you can get it now on magcloud. Thanks to the many who helped.    This book is what The Glorious Scenario magazine was supposed to be. It makes a more concise statement than a multi-issue journal, though. The raw creative materials involved in the discussion have many applications and tie-ins across subject areas. The template of the semantolkino'hara will give its user acumen. The Semantolkino'hara and Its Applications: The Eschaton, Musicology, and The Name of God By David Black 122 pages, published 10/10/2014 A practical music theory and composition system became a template for understanding a union between disciplines- music history, musicology, eschatology, social science, and more. The whole effort started with a simple serial analysis of Trish Phan's "A Letter" and became a huge undertaking once the implications...

I see they tried to get to Amanda Bynes now as well

  News reports are showing that Amanda Bynes was arrested under the false pretenses of a "DUI" last sunday.  The details of the case look utterly ridiculous. She should not have been arrested. They should have let her go home and sleep it off. What's the matter, couldn't fit her in the back of the squad car to get her home safe like decent individuals? Stop discrediting people by giving them mental health labels and slapping them with criminal charges. There was no need to book her whatsoever. This is a person who tried to gain freedom from the mental health industry and they're trying to shut her down and discredit her. Leave her alone about the pills and let her be good.    When I look at the news reports I see they tried to draw blood to prove that she had a drug in her system while driving. They didn't find any narcotics whatsoever. What they did find is that she was taking drugs that were prescribed to her. That is preposterous. They prescribe drugs that...

We Have Freedom of Speech, right?

   How come everyone seems so afraid to speak against the real politik in our country? We used to have lively political discussion and dissent, and now people with minority opinions seem scoffed at and outcast. This is a bad trend, don't go in that way. The first amendment was set up with one of the intentions being that people would be able to criticize those in charge. It is unbelievable that people could say that a scenario happened like Pearl Jams' "Dissident" describes, and these things happen on American soil?    The 1992 Presidential election is something to look to consider the way things used to be. Third party independent candidate Ross Perot was considered as having equal weight as the two other candidates. There was a strong freedom of the thought in the political spectrum. Perot's money went a long way for him. All things considered, though, billionaires still exist. Where are the Ross Perots of our time, then, who are not afraid to jump in and shake...

This is why to stop the Islamic State Caliphate Harshly

   I saw this news article this morning about the beheading of a citizen in Okalahoma    The United States should stop the IS caliphate in the Middle East very harshly with a strong show of nuclear force to precisely make an example out of them. I tried to tell people this stuff would happen here and they mocked and scoffed. If people put up with threatening harsh Islamists for the sake of tolerance, this is what you will get. We have religious freedom, yes, but take a stand against evil please and have a sense of decency.  If we do not take a stronger stand against them in the Middle East, it will spread on U.S. soil and everyone will be very sorry. Stomp them out over there. Rammstein them. Pummel them with weaponry. End the discussion fast. Floor it on them.  Level the entire area down to where you can till the whole region like a field, just like Jerusalem was once leveled down...

Have We Lost What Decency Means, As Well?

   The dictionary definition from Merriam-Webster online for "decency" is- "polite, moral, and honest behavior and attitudes that show respect for other people."  To go "on the attack" and employ character assassination strategies in response to small details and quibbles does not display "decency" in the right sense of the term. A person with decency displays tolerance and respect for those who are different from him or her. The Leftist practitioners of our country actually have very little tolerance or respect for those with opinions other from what they hold. There is no sense of decency.    It is actually decent to stand up against evils such as the Islamic State, and the slow encroachment of the communist/social agenda in America. We have a decent country to begin with, with a good understanding of decency and mutual understanding of morals and cooperation. The Islamic State is a very bad theocratic Shariah law, Islamofascist undertaking.

How Did Love Get a Bad Name? I don't think it was Bon Jovi

  The song "You Give Love a Bad Name" has lyrics we can use to talk about what love means today. It is people's bad behavior and the way that they talk which has given love a bad name in today's society and culture. Biblically, love is a concept which praiseworthy and excellent. It is completely different from lust and sex ( eros ) and it is a powerful thing from God. Let us look at the lyrics to the Bon Jovi song. This is an excerpt only from the first verse and chorus. "Shot through the heart and you're to blame Darlin' you give love a bad name An angel's smile is what you sell You promise me heaven then put me through hell Chains of love got a hold on me When passion's a prison you can't break free Oh! You're a loaded gun, yeah Oh! There's nowhere to run No one can  save  me The  damage  is done Shot through the heart and you're to blame You give love a bad name (Bad name) I  play  my part and you play your ga...

Communication and Discourse Concerns for the Modern Age

   How are we to bring up delicate or sensitive subject matters to one another in conversation without offending people or turning them off? Society today tends to have a blanch and a blush about certain subject matters. When I consider some of my previous blogs, it is those specific subjects sometimes which cause a blanch and a blush and make conversation harder between people. The answer is to have direct and logical conversational procedures, operating upon a principle of trust, such as I have seen in the libretto (words) to Mozart's Don Giovanni, the opera I loved as a teenager, and as an adult. The Italian libretto was written by Lorenzo Da Ponte. That's a funny name for him, because the words get right to the point. Examine the following conversation between Leporello and the Don, translated to English. "DON GIOVANNI Come on now, hurry up. What do you want? LEPORELLO It's a very important matter DON GIOVANNI I believe you LEPORELLO Most important DO...

Blog Title Explanation

   The blog's title simply means that when I have to blog to the public about my wide-ranging concerns, I post here. It doesn't mean I believe that people should only communicate on the internet or something. This is a good way to communicate to everyone who follows me. I'm actually a strong believer in face-to-face communication. However, being a well-known person, God has given me a burden for people, and I feel urged to continue communicating in a public place because of all I know.

The Sad and Unnecessary Stigma of Psychotic Symptoms and Their Causes

   Psychosis as a medical symptom carries with it the heavy stigma of "mental illness," which can earn a patient the long-term label of a mental illness on their medical record and mandatory hospitalization. Nevertheless, there are a variety of medical conditions for which psychosis is a symptom, and the majority are not mental illnesses. Technically therefore, psychosis (hallucinations and delusions) can happen to anybody as a result of a physical malady- many are easily detected and treated.  Psychosis can happen as a temporary symptom and be misdiagnosed with a long-term label, and this does happen. I must preface this by saying that this post in no way constitutes medical advice.    According to Medline Plus (a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine) the following are a list of medical problems and diseases that can cause psychosis (schizophrenia-type symptoms)- "A number of medical problems can cause psychosis, including: Alcohol  a...

My Teacher's Off-hand Remarks

  When I was a high school freshman my locker was next to a teacher's office named Mr. Hanson. During passing periods when the students were exchanging books in their lockers, Hanson would always talk with Mr. Fleege (another social science teacher) outside his office in earshot of the students.  They would intentionally talk in earshot of the students, as these people were not stupid, and they knew what they were doing. It had something to do with transparency and casually imparting information to people. I am always rivoted to conversations like that if people are talking in a way which means they want to be heard by everyone, but it's directed at one person next to them.    One day Mr. Hanson was trying to get to the heart of the matter as to what his work as a high school teacher was doing for people. "It is not so much that we are imparting knowledge for people to remember forever. Indeed, we do impart knowledge and students use the things they learn sometimes....

Why I Haven't Posted

   I haven't posted lately because there's too much to say. Things have to be said which are heavy, and I have reflected on what to write next in the middle of the occurrence of so many possible ideas. I will post again after I organize and prioritize what has to be said.

Punishing People Doesn't Atone for Their Sin

  Little do some people know, punishing others for their sin will not atone for their sin, abrogate their sin, take care of their sin, or cleanse them of their sin. I am mainly speaking here about the misguided notion of humans punishing other humans for their sins.  Only Jesus Christ can take away sin because he was considered as a lamb without spot or blemish, the perfect sacrifice (according to 1 Peter 1:19, John 1:29, Hebrews 10:12).  Furthermore, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was once for all and doesn't require any further sacrificial atonement in any capacity whatsoever, and this concept is repeated often in the book of Hebrews (for example, Hebrews 9:12, 10:10, 10:14).   There are forms of "punishing" people in church discipline and other aspects of life, but actual consequences never atone for people's sin, they only urge people to repent. Procedures should always resemble Biblical steps such as Matthew 18:15-17.   People, in their wicked human nature...

Personality Types and the Fall of Man Argument

   There will be some who will want to say that I was being illogical or unbiblical when I wrote the post about how personality differences get misunderstood.  Their argument is basically that differing personalities are a consequence of the Fall of Man- a consequence of the DNA getting disordered.  Therefore, they will say, that people who don't fit the "perfect personality" are sinful. God created one man, they will say, with a perfect personality (Adam).  In truth, they can cite Adam, Eve, and Jesus.  That argument is not correct, and I will stand my ground on this.    The reason why they are not correct is because they are making the unwarranted assumption all of Adam's descendants would have had the same personality had the Fall never happened. I can say with a fair degree of certainty that had the Fall never happened, there would have been different kinds of people with different personalities, it just would have been a more perfect world. ...

Body, Soul and....

   When I wrote the previous post containing the informed consent arguments, I was conscious already of the fact that some hold to a trichotomy view of humans (body, soul, and spirit).  A dichotomy view (body and soul) is defensible from the scriptures, definitely, and both are theological positions people should study and be made aware of.  Here is a paper by an individual who holds to the position of the dichotomy view, and the position is defended by scripture.'s%20Constitution%20as%20a%20Physical-Spiritual%20Unity%201.1.pdf    Here are the credentials for the writer of this paper as stated in the footnotes:       Robert Gonzales Jr. is the academic dean of Reformed Baptist Seminary ( in Easley, South Carolina, where he also serves as a pastor of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church. He also serves as an adjunct professor for Midwest Center for Theological Studies. He has ...

Summary of Arguments for Informed Consent Rights (Defense Against Mandatory Psychiatric Treatment)

   I am going to be generous for the time being in releasing this information. The original form was written down by me as a simple outline. People should think on their own and not just take my word for it. Act sensibly and do your own due diligence in regards to your own plans and decisions. People can use these arguments to argue for their own rights or the rights of others. These are basically arguments for informed consent rights for patients in psychiatry, as a defense against mandatory treatment.   The main argument I've written here is crafted from presuppositional apologetic methodology. People have to study the presuppositional method to understand how to employ this.  It is an argument from the Christian worldview. The argument is as follows.    Historically, behavioral medicine developed from behavioral psychology which was developed upon an atheist worldview containing the precept that people have no souls. In such a worldview of naturalism, ...

Personality Type Differences Get Misunderstood

   There are things about personality types and differences which I think the population as a whole does not understand. It would not be stretch, either, to say that mental health professionals often don't account for personality types which are not among the more "common" types. There are personality types which are more common statistically than other types, and that creates real world "norms."  However, this is not fair to people with rare personality types who have valuable talents, skills, pursuits, influence, because for some reason society values "normalcy" in terms of behavior, conversation, etc.    It is not fair to people who have more quiet or reticent personalities to be judged harshly for being to quiet and reticent. It doesn't mean that they are afraid of people, or uninterested in others. The case of the matter is simply that they have a...

The Dream I Had About Phil Collins

  First I will give the backdrop and backstory before I say the dream itself.    When I was teaching class piano, a student asked me to show him the song "Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)" by Phil Collins, thereby calling my attention to the song. After school that day, I went to my then-girlfriend Ruth's house, and showed her the song on piano with the lyrics on my iPad. We toyed around with the song and took turns playing the piano part and singing the vocals. The song expresses something extremely emotionally heavy, which was not applicable to our relationship, so I wondered why it was effective for expressing something I felt deep down. I simply could not put words to what I felt inside me with any specificity. The song could express it, but I couldn't explain the context, the people involved, or why I felt that way. I would have to tell people that a medication problem was involved which prevented me from being in touch with my feelings about things.  ...

Parable of the Unrighteous Duke (by me)

   This generation might be likened unto a duke who told a land-owner that he was not allowed to dig a well on his own property. When the landowner asked the Duke why, the Duke threatened to seize his property if he ever dug a well on the land. The landowner went to the Governor and requested that he overturn the Duke's ruling. The governor said, "You may not dig a well there. However, there is treasure buried there." Neither did the Governor prohibit him from digging up the treasure. The Duke wondered why the Governor told him about the treasure because the Duke's love was cold.

Noetic Effects of Sin (It's not how smart you are!)

   "The Noetic Effects of Sin" means simply, the negative effect on people's intellects due to the the Fall of Man in general (sin!). Everyone is born into a sinful state or condition, so everyone born into the human species in a physical capacity is subject to the noetic effects of sin. Generally, the noetic effects are thought to apply to knowledge of God specifically, which can touch subtly (or overtly) on other subject areas.    It is horrible misconception that people who are lower in intelligence, mentally handicapped, mentally incapacitated, or psychotic are necessarily that way because of sins they specifically committed. The noetic effects apply to every single person, just as no one is exempt from the "sinful condition." It is possible for fetuses and the mentally incapacitated to be saved because of God's grace! (see the doctrine of unconditional election, the five points of Calvinism). It is not because of how smart people are that they are sav...

The Medicine Fight is About Lieben

    At this point no one should wonder why I had to blow the whistle on the psychiatric industry as largely a junk science establishment motivated by profits from harmful pharmaceuticals. What escapes attention often, is the underlying reasons why people weaponize medicine against others. I think the reasons often have to do with lieben. I use lieben as opposed to its English equivalent here because the connotations are so precise and its affect has finesse. It is always disheartening to me to hear about people who were told to go on pills after they felt lieben towards me, for me, or about me. This should not be going on. The idea of people medicating lieben to make it go away is ludicrous, but sadly the practice actually goes on. Society has replaced sensible remedies such as face-to-face negotiations with sad, brutal, and harmful practices such pills with laundry lists of dangerous side effects. Pills often produce the very symptoms that the disease is supposed to be compri...