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Showing posts from 2016

Regarding the Controversy Over Guantanamo Bay

   The U.S. has faced criticism from abroad over detaining inmates at Guantanamo (foreign nationals usually) for lengthy periods of time without a trial or fair hearing. I already fully understand the original reasoning for these practices. The U.S. has been fighting a war on terrorism, so the prisoners could fall under the definition of "prisoners of war." Also, the prisoners don't really have the protection of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution, because they are typically not U.S. citizens. I disagree with the practice, though, and I will explain why.    The ethical distinction that should be employed comes from the fact that, by all appearances, the U.S. now seems to be using Guantanamo as a "detention center." The prisoners have human rights, therefore they do have the right to a speedy and public hearing/trial before an "impartial tribunal," as stated, for example, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Even in a time of war, it i...

Visiting the prisoners

   Some people have wondered if they should have been visiting people that they knew were prisoners. One place in the Scriptures that gives us the affirmative on the question is Matthew 25:31-46 when Jesus describes the Final Judgment. The whole passage is recommended reading, but I will point out to everyone here the snippets that are relevant. Jesus said about the righteous (in Matthew 25:38-40), that they will say, " When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You? ’ The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you,  to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine,  even  the least  of them , you did it to Me." Then He described about the unrighteous (in Matthew 25:44-46), that they will say,   "Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’   Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it ...

I stand behind what I said about abortion

   I am already aware that discussions about women's rights to abortion go into areas of debate such as "when a fetus can viably be considered as a person." I am under no obligation to heed or incorporate into my thinking the basic tenets on the subject as decided by the courts of law. My presuppositions are not from the secular courts. I would rather be in accordance with the truth of the matter. I have the Scriptures, so I can know that life begins at conception. That's why I paint abortion as the legalized murder of unborn children. If you were an attorney such as Hillary Clinton was, then you would have wanted to argue with me or paint those assertions as stupid because I said nothing about the legal background or what goes/went into those types of decisions. I don't really have to. My remarks were pithy and concise because I don't have much time to put into my writing or blogs.  

One instance of my being "student of the month" from the community newspaper in Onalaska

  One out of the two or three instances as published in the local paper is right here. It has my old last name Bilskemper obviously. I was a high school junior, so this was 1994.

Going Against One's Word or Breaking Vows

    Inherent in the problem having to do with breaking a vow that one has previously made (from a Biblical point of view) is the classic distinction between "law" and "grace" which is talked about a great in the writings of Paul. It is not advisable to make a vow (Matthew 5:34-35), or to break a vow (Matthew 5:33), obviously because of the strict justice of God and His righteous standard. However, to think that a vow made foolishly, rashly, in error, while intoxicated, poisoned, mentally compromised, etc, must always be observed forever, is not only a wrong way or practice for being too legalistic, it would practically be heresy because one would be ignoring what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross does away with the ceremonial ordinances of the Old Testament by fulfilling them, bringing them to completion in the bringing of a new covenant in Him. Well guess what? In the Old Testament ceremonial ordinances the Jews had a way t...

Apologies to the Trump Campaign

   I received your messages (Donald Trump and son), I just haven't checked that email account often enough. I am well aware that someone with you follows my posts here, ever since my original idea to have a wealthy man run for President has come to fruition somehow. The only thing I would have to communicate is that this was never supposed to be a purely political blog. I started the blog to write about whatever I wanted to, or whatever I was interested in. The "general topic" theme gives me the freedom to write freely across subject areas. If my ideas have helped you somehow, I did not realize that. Let me see what I can do to help you further, though. I think you should continue giving America a message of hope based on ideas and values our country was founded on, and you won't be able to really go wrong. Too often Democrats win elections not by their own merit, but by a smear campaign against their opponent. That's what they've tried to do, it looks like. ...

I'm Not a Freemason Either, By the Way

   I'm not a Freemason either, by the way. I don't belong to any similar fraternal community organizations like moose or elk lodges, or the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The reason I seem that way, though, is that the Masons accumulate a lot of knowledge unto themselves, and I just happen to be a knowledgeable person. That doesn't mean I'm a Freemason, though. I was never a Freemason, and I never attended a Freemason lodge.    

Nice Dissenting Opinion on the Fairness of the Criminal Justice System

   I was recently having a conversation with someone about the possibility for unreliability and/or unfairness in the criminal justice system. I was reminded of this quote from a Supreme Court case which is from Justice Harry Blackmun's dissenting opinion. The case was Darden v. Wainwright 477 U.S. 168 (1986). Obviously he's talking about the Supreme Court level, but if this could be said about their accuracy, then how shall we communicate about fairness at the trial court level? "JUSTICE BLACKMUN, with whom JUSTICE BRENNAN, JUSTICE MARSHALL, and JUSTICE STEVENS join, dissenting. Although the Constitution guarantees a criminal defendant only "a fair trial [and] not a perfect one,"  Lutwak v. United States,   344 U. S. 604 ,  344 U. S. 619  (1953);  Bruton v. United States,   391 U. S. 123 ,  391 U. S. 135  (1968), this Court has stressed repeatedly in the decade since  Gregg v. Georgia,   428 U. S. 153  (1976), that ...

I have my 詩 , I have my intelligence

哥林多前书 15:56-58 Chinese New Version (Traditional) (CNVT) 56  死的毒刺就是罪,罪的權勢就是律法。   57  感謝 神,他藉著我們的主耶穌基督,把勝利賜給我們。   58  所以,我親愛的弟兄們,你們務要堅固,不可動搖,常常竭力多作主工,因為知道你們的勞苦,在主裡面不是徒然的。

"I had my headset on..."

   The moment people are waiting for is here. My book three years "in the making" will be ready for purchase online this week. The Poetry was a fictional novel which, after the first draft, became an editing and revision nightmare. The novella I'm letting out this week pays a great deal of respect to the original version. I'm sure that people will still appreciate the highly integrated stylistic/grammatical construct involved. Check on for it. The paperback will be inexpensive, but I'm not allowing a Kindle version because such a botch-job was done with Playing Saint Ditch . You can check out right here how the cover will look, and I've placed the back cover synopsis right below that.    [amazon has it now!  ]

I'm not a dope fiend or user

   I'm not a dope fiend. I don't use or abuse street drugs or narcotics. Actually my commitment to staying sober is reverse from societal norms and what most people do, so that's part of why I'm different. My length of time staying sober is longer than other persons by many months in some cases.    [edited for content as we are under a bad regime and therefore do not have freedom of speech]

I'm not a communist or any kind of extremist

   I'm not a communist or any kind of extremist. I would red-bait others though, to identify communist/socialist pigs and thugs by their typical "mental hygiene rhetoric," and their advocating for vaccination. I'm not any kind of Nazi or neo-Nazi, and I oppose fascism, totalitarianism and/or authoritarian dictatorships. So that covers the fact that I'm not too far left-wing or too far right-wing.    I'm not any kind of a Muslim or any kind of religious extremist wackjob like those who bomb federal buildings and so forth. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, who gave the Sermon on the Mount, so I am actually not allowed to be that type of extremist.

I'm not a pedophile or any kind of a weirdo

   I don't have the classic traits of a pedophile as widely known. So, I'm not a pedophile in any capacity [so I don't have that tendency], nor am I any kind of weirdo. I'm not a pederast or a gay either. I was never labelled with the psychiatric label of "pedophile" by any medical practitioner. If I was labelled something by them, it was not "pedophile." I'm not a child molester, either. I don't watch or have child pornography. If I have criminal convictions, it is not for child molestation or pornography. So I'm not a pedophile or any kind of child molester. I don't jerk off to gay porn or child porn. I'm not a registered sex offender, which is to say I was never convicted and asked to register as a sex offender.    They (these pedophiles) have a psychiatric disorder as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders    I don't have that mental disorder, so.

Information Lockdown Scenarios and Ethical Concerns

   How far would you go, and how many extraneous scenarios of ethical concern would you tolerate, before you released helpful information to others that you are supposed keep on a tight lockdown due to 1) mandates of your employer/supervisor 2) personal vendettas 3) legal orders 4)  devotion to the "almighty dollar"- (not funny) ?    As it is, I personally know of people who will not communicate probably ever, when they have information that would release others from a felony conviction on their records. People with felonies often still have to put up with taking part in programs, probation, paying fees and restitution, ongoing court dates- in summary they are in slavery to a system that is not really nice. So the people knowing the helpful information do not communicate with those probably wrongfully convicted, or their attorneys or investigators. I am not kidding. I know of people who are currently acting this way.    If the possibility that the le...

Is Anybody Thinking Whatsoever?

See my comments below......    Let me explain further. According to Catholic dogma/teaching, they must oppose abortion "in all forms."  See the Catholic Catechism, which clearly states in 2272  "Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life"  Therefore, Catholics CANNOT vote for Hillary Clinton. If they don't like Donald Trump they have to find an independent party they agree with and vote for that person. They would be sinning according to their own religious worldview if they actually voted for Hillary Clinton.  link to Catholic Catechism  (on abortion)    Catholics should also consider the Catholic sin of "scandal." It is a sin for them to vote for Hillary Clinton. To quote the Catholic Catechism, "Therefore, they are guilty of scandal who establish laws or social structures leading to the decline of morals and the c...

"band" page for album release

   I have my bandzoogle page up and running again to promote my up and coming EP album release. Their new system allowed me to designate an easy-to-remember URL domain name - Click on the Music tab on the site's menu for news about the album release.

Third Edition of My "Eschatology" Book in the Works

   As I mentioned in previous posts, the third edition of "The Semantolkino'hara and Its Applications: The Eschaton, Musicology, and the Name of G-d" is in the works, to be published sometime within the next month. People should be supportive of the effort at long last. Look how good the cover is going to look, after all. Trust me, it will look even better in print. People thought the second edition looked very high res. when they saw the print version.     I'm having to rewrite and add significantly to the specific section that deals with eschatology in order to clarify that my original source of information was the Scriptures, and also in order to clarify the components of the "non-final consummations" of the ages vs. the "final consummation" of the ages, and other similar crucial distinctions. The 2nd edition wasn't exactly wrong, it is just that it could be extensively fleshed out for clarity. Let's just say I had left the mater...

Answering Further Objections to "The Semantolkino'hara and It's Applications"

   The content of my book  The Semantolkino'hara and Its Applications has being wrongly criticized by people lately on just a couple points (I tend to have rabbit ears- that's a foible of mine I guess). The points comprising the flawed criticism are 1) the voice-leading of the examples in chapter one are not "airtight"  2) the choice of a specific harmonic progression as the main "template" (over other readjustments of the rows) seems too arbitrary or subjective. The next edition will answer these objections, and since I've already written out those answers to include in that edition, I will just provide those sections publicly right here. (for those who want it before the third edition, the second is available here  . "A NEW WAY TO THINK ABOUT PART-WRITING/ VOICE LEADING    The examples at the beginning of the book in Chapter One do not reflect perfect four part voice leading, because this whole book started as a small experiment to combine t...

This performance of "Lowzer" is better than the other performance of "Lozer"

   So I uncovered and uploaded another different "live" performance of the Sullivan's Dog song "Lowzer" from our days of performing (notice how I play with the spelling on purpose to upset people who take things too seriously?) Please disregard my complaining in the previous post about the vocal balance in the other version and about it being the only surviving version. Praise God this other version exists so people can hear a version closer to how it should really sound. Oh yeah, for those who don't know, I am the guitar player on the left hand side who is difficult to see, but I am not the bass player on the left who can be prominently seen. My playing can be heard quite well in the intro, though.      And the video URL:

The Process Used in Writing "The Semantolkino'hara" book

     People wanted to learn the process by which I wrote "The Semantolkino'hara," and they seem to think the process is more valuable than the content of the book. Well....the book is really quite good and well-written. (It can be purchased here:  ) The musical materials discussed are invaluable. The way the book came about is as interesting as the process used, and the way it came was infused together with the process used. The introduction in the book describes how I was thinking about everything, and kind of explains the process:       FROM THE INTRODUCTION:       "The writing of this book started with the idea of subjecting certain musical materials of my life to a method of human conjunctive analysis combining the objective tools of musical analysis with subjective human studies and theology, allowing for the possibility of reinterpretable studies. After a preliminary amount of inv...

Old "Puff Piece" on Sullivan's Dog from La Crosse Tribune Newspaper

   I did the best I could to keep the resolution on the picture high so that people may see this. It's from way back in the day. I must have been a high school junior at the time. I blotted out the contact phone number for booking, suffice to say our drummer's home phone number was included in the original article!

I have better arguments than your arguments for Mosaic authorship of Deuteronomy

     I'm working on a blog post for the Reformer where I will defend Mosaic authorship of Deuteronomy (meaning I will defend the fact that Moses wrote it).  It should be a fairly thorough series of posts to first dismantle opposing scholarship on the point, and then provide the positive case for Mosaic authorship. It breaks my heart that anyone could read Deuteronomy, especially after they study and test the veracity of Genesis through Numbers, and end up concluding somehow that Moses was not the main contributor (so that is not to say there were not other redactors involved in the writing. I would support the "supplementary" point of view of Deuteronomy. Moses was the main writer). The book Deuteronomy is loaded with Moses's care, concern, and love for his people- a love from God indeed. I think people who read it and think that Moses did not write Deuteronomy have a very sinister problem with themselves that they should look at. Nonetheless, I am making somewhat an...

Numbers 16- Moses's "Threatening Course of Conduct"

   In Numbers chapter 16 Moses commits a "threatening course of conduct" in modern legal terms. He tells, possibly approaches, Korah and his company twice with the same request that they "meet him tomorrow at the doorway of the tent of meeting with censers with fire in them" to see who in fact was holy. Then he also communicated repeatedly with Dathan and Abiram, and threateningly suggested the earth may swallow them up and they would descend straight into Sheol. Don't you think so? And as Israel's political leader he was still under their law, as well. So if that was somehow wrong under Mosaic law, his judges and leaders would have dealt with him (kind of like what happened anyway in the rebellion of Korah). Now do you think our laws are messed up or not? link to Numbers 16: I will need to expand on these ideas. I just wanted to get the word out. A more thorough analysis is defi...

Why does "Lowzer" video have one thumbs down and that's it?

    A live video of Sullivan's Dog "Lowzer" has been on my youtube channel TheDavidisaiah since around the time I started the channel. But the video was shot in 1994 and transferred to digital in 2010. I don't just put videos up for no reason. There must be something good or noteworthy about them in order for me to be compelled to place them on the internet for public viewing. "Lowzer" is not the worst songwriting accomplishment- especially by 1994 standards. It is just that this video is the only surviving recording I know of from the original group of which I was one of the guitar players. So while the recording quality, balance, and vocals are the not the best that they could be, it is the only recording of a not bad song. The recording has other positive attributes- the instrumental work, the freaky-deaky outro, and the stage lighting for example. If I had to say what would really help it, I would say that our lead singer Dan should have not backed away ...

Playing Saint Ditch available on

    My novel, Playing Saint Ditch, is now available on in paperback and kindle version. Buy your copy today!

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Available here:

By the way, I was not wrong, either

     Pertaining to the previous post which is pertaining to my 2014 book The Semantolkino'hara and Its Applications: The Eschaton, Musicology, and the Name of God , I was never actually wrong in the first place. When it comes to the analysis in the book, I am not in error in what I said. Actually, come to think of it, there was MORE discovered since then, in regards to the analysis in the book's contents, which has not been written about yet- and that material blows my mind as to how not wrong I am.  As I said in the book, the basic tone rows in question are like a "production drive" where most of what people try with it, if their efforts are from intuition, is going to actually work, and will not actually fail. I only touched the tip of the iceberg in the book as to all the possible applications.      So if people were hoping that after a long time off, through prayer and meditation, that I would come to my senses and realize that I was making some k...

Smashing Pumpkins Reunion Show

   Wow, the Smashing Pumpkins (rather Billy Corgan and James Iha) played together recently for the first time on stage in 16 years, after I wrote about them and their song "Mayonaise" in my book The Semantolkino'hara and It's Applications: The Eschaton, Musicology, and the Name of God.   I didn't know the recent performance was acoustic only, though, as "Mayonaise" was originally heavy rock.     Basically, I used "Mayonaise" in my book as a song example which explains or expresses a concept that's difficult to convey, having to do with the cycles of civilization and the musical template I was working from which was a musical depiction of said cycles. The words, music, affect, and everything about the original recording conveys the concept well.

The "Art-Code" Problem Solving Method

   This is a process that I, Mr. Black, invented (Praise God). Since I'm giving this away virtually for free, I'm going to leave it somewhat sketch and just copy directly from my notes from the day I thought of it. I'm nice enough, after all, to write it down for free. Don't expect me to teach it to you perfectly, then, when this is the kind of information which should cost money.     Art-Code Problem-Solving Method Organized principles- time sharing-pass the ball, contrasting ideas, systematic thinking, balance of creativity/art and facts, leader/follower, hierarchy, artforms limited to 2 at a time, balance of objects (variety), time limit?  Decide topic and artforms, present objects, chance strategies- drawing word cards, drawing a CD. Beforehand, pray for a solution 1] State the problem and possible consequences    -all related concepts involved 2] Epic brainstorm    -possible solutions, how to work out through art (further solve),...

"The Reformer" blog and what is up

     "The Reformer" blog is where I'm doing most of my writing, but I'll continue to keep this site going. That way I can post about current events, topics, and issues that have the same interesting flavor as the topics I was talking about previously. "The Reformer" blog is at   I made a video plug here:   Thanks for following!

David Black- "Medicine Fight" song re-release March 24th

  My song "Medicine Fight" will be re-released to most digital channels on March 24th, 2016.  People will find it interesting that "Medicine Fight" pre-dates Rachel Platten's "Fight Song" (the song where the chorus goes-"this is my fight song, take back my life song, etc) because I put a rough live version on YouTube in 2013 and Rachel Platten "Fight Song" was recorded in 2014. See the official YouTube version of "Medicine Fight" to hear it: Video- "Medicine Fight" song Rachel Platten "Fight Song"- My rough sketch of "Medicine Fight from 2013-  rough sketch "Medicine Fight"    "Medicine Fight" will be on the following digital stores/channels- iTunes Apple Music You Tube Art Tracks Spotify Amazon Music Google Play Deezer Rhapsody eMusic Simfy Africa iHeart Radio MediaNet VerveLife Tidal Gracenote Shazam 7Digital Juke Slacker G...